Proving ROI through Drone Stockpile Measurement in Mines and Quarries

Event 38 recently completed a case study on the use of drones for mining and quarry applications. In cooperation with a customer operating dozens of quarries, we compared and analyzed the accuracy and resource cost of using the E384 and Drone Data Management System™ with manual measurement to determine stockpile volumes. We found that switching to drone data collection reduced the required man-hours by approximately 60% while producing results within 2% of manual measurement.

To learn more, download the full text of the Quarry Stockpile Measurement by Drone Case Study.


Click here for more information on the Drone Data Management System™. The data for this case study was collected by the E384 but our other drones use the same data collection technique and sensors. Click here to learn more about Fixed Wing vs. Multirotor drones.